JLL & PropTech Romania
CEENTRUS Romania about Proptech
NEPI & Proptech Romania
Skanska Proptech Hackathon
Bright Spaces
Real Estate Hackathon
Centermine – 3rd place Real Estate Hackathon
Imobiliare.ro about Proptech
Sigtree Tehnologies
Dragos Nicolaescu
Our efforts are focused on supporting the access to financing for the local technology companies. We are happy that from the proptech perspective, Romania is in the first wave of the countries launching initiatives to engage the real estate sector.
Bianca Muntean -
Executive Director Transilvania IT
84% of the construction and real estate companies from Romania believe that the digital transformation will not impact their activity in the next 5 years. This is a huge opportunity for us to influence the direction towards development and innovation in proptech.
Smaranda Ignat -
Co Founder Proptech Romania
The appetite for technology in the local real estate market is growing and we will surely see more and more proptech digital solutions that will attract investment for development and implementation.