Official Launching Event Of PROPTECH ROMANIA

Side-event Start-up Europe Summit 21-22 March 2019

The launching was in the presence of the European PropTech ecosystem (Dirk Paelinck – Co- founder Europe PropTech House, a EU Commission initiative, Christian von Scholten and Jan Ståhlberg, from PropTech Dennmark), local and national businees community, representatives of the technology clusters (Bianca Muntean – Executive Director Transilvania IT), of VC funds and startup accelerators with focus on Property Tech (Martina Orlea – Techcelerator) and media people.


Bianca Muntean: CEO of the Transilvania IT Cluster

The speakers defined the vertical and the main players from proptech, explained the promotion and financing initiatives from the European level, for the proptech solutions, described the opportunities and challenges facing proptech, and mapped the international network of organizations promoting proptech in Europe and worldwide.

During the launching event, PropTech Romania presented its programme for 2019, the highest point of it being the first Real Estate Hackathon in Europe, organized in Bucharest, on 12-13 April. The Hackathon, integrated in a series of national and international events, will bring together business people from real estate sector and proptech solutions developed by local startups and tech companies.

Quotes from speakers:
Dirk Paelink – Co-founder Europe PropTech House – “The market potential for proptech is bigger than fintech; in the next 3 to 5 years proptech will be what fintech is now”.

Bianca Muntean – Executive Director Transilvania IT – “Our efforts are focused on supporting the access to financing for the local technology companies. We are happy that from the proptech perspective, Romania is in the first wave of the countries launching initiatives to engage the real estate sector

Participants at the event

Co-Founders Proptech Romania

Smaranda Ignat – Executive Director PropTech Romania – “84% of the construction and real estate companies from Romania believe that the digital transformation will not impact their activity in the next 5 years. This is a huge opportunity for us to influence the direction towards development and innovation in proptech.

The next action point for PropTech Romania will be the launching of the official website of the Real Estate Hackathon and opening the registration for the startups and tech companies, offering them the opportunity to show their interest in being part of the first hackathon type of competition on real estate.